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[英文] solve是什么意思 [複製鏈接]

solve是我们在英语中常用的动词,那么你solve做动词都表达哪些意思吗?/ L* B  e0 k% m, A6 O

& `# A) M, S, J' l7 D  solve作动词的意思:( S. ]" w4 S  I" {; C) u* j/ O
  解决;解答;解释;清偿( [& m% y5 W7 J
  solve的英语音标:, M* }* W! h- b( h
  英 [sɔlv] 美 [sɑlv, sɔlv]
8 b/ ]7 e' _: k! G  _  solve的时态:% R5 X: V0 g, x- A. M. N9 |  `
  现在分词: solving
5 E) i' @; ~2 Q# C  过去式: solved0 Q( F: Q' R5 H& ]  `
  过去分词: solved
3 E% n4 f, s. N6 P  solve的英语例句:
! ?- A. S! u5 e# v/ \/ }2 F  1. I dreamed up a plan to solve both problems at once.3 o+ d$ r& _! d
& [6 p! O, T$ T6 Z  2. Human societies have the power to solve the problems confronting them.8 D$ T0 n' i( @5 L# c" ~5 v: E
7 v) h: F6 I, ~0 v' A9 i  3. Egypt wants to solve the problem in an atmosphere of cordiality.
# O3 S2 M+ F9 e5 H) l0 t2 d; F  埃及想要友好地解决该问题。
8 ]' z. O8 H5 `2 L2 Q% f  4. Their domestic reforms did nothing to solve the problem of unemployment.
1 r; O' C9 K$ X- j  他们的国内改革未能解决失业问题。
5 E' y, m0 p. P' V; q  5. She leaned on him to help her to solve her problems.
5 x6 |( `5 \; F  她靠他帮忙解决自身问题。
1 @1 i* E- }2 k* g7 @  6. You know, it occurs to me you could solve all your problems by obtaining more money.
9 S2 b, [/ Z5 q  依我看,你的所有问题都可以通过多挣点钱来解决。
4 S4 k- s- Y4 F6 F. Y  7. It isn't going to solve a single thing.3 o% j' L  N" @& [' t# s* d
  这什么问题也解决不了。, ^/ v2 I" B4 Y5 k( q
  8. Attempts are being made to solve the problem of waste disposal.3 I' L+ _$ T: p9 [
* U8 Z' h6 o. ~0 s! B# z" t  9. It is unrealistic to expect them to be able to solve the problem immediately.! B% I+ ^- q0 `  @4 Z$ D5 q5 E
  指望他们能够立即解决问题是不现实的。$ M6 r  D: T, D. l  k7 Z( J
  10. Let's think this out together — there must be a way to solve this.
& f3 a& ?4 i9 ^5 Q% \' n  让我们一起好好考虑一下吧,一定有办法能解决这件事情的.7 G+ U% M8 Y' t. J6 |2 ]2 I* X
  11. He assured us of his ability to solve the problem.
. K$ i( v4 g! x  他向我们保证他有能力解决这个问题.* }6 I0 Q. c4 g" h
  12. Such comments are inane because they don't help us solve our problem.# D! Q2 y2 ^! ~
  这种评论纯属空洞之词,不能帮助我们解决问题.; f, H# q, U7 D+ ~2 y
  13. Once this difficulty is overcome, other problems will be easy to solve.6 `; J0 b0 N4 w4 D
  攻下这一关, 其他问题就好办了.
8 y# S- k" u# y3 H3 v" o5 v  V  14. We'll have to think of a way to solve the problem.
3 {! ]( ~) `" O! U! a: t9 [  我们得想个法子解决这个问题.. M( ~5 D4 J! ~1 X& |3 ~
  15. We can solve the problem no matter how complicated it is.
1 x0 G+ a( K- u3 A0 J& ^4 P4 M) e  任凭问题多复杂,我们也能弄清楚.
- C* S* Q+ d! K; y5 h; B/ I
- f. D% W4 h& H& Y& B
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